Boards & Committees

What Do Boards & Committees Do?

Boards and Committees review material, weigh alternatives, and make recommendations to Council. Council is then able to make more informed decisions while substantially expediting the decision-making process.

Some Boards and Committees may also fill a quasi-judicial role, which means that the Committee has the authority to make decisions and judgments as provided for in the Municipal Act.

Thank You to Our Volunteers

The City of Dawson thanks our volunteers for serving on our Boards and Committees. Their service provides valuable assistance in municipal operations and decision making on current issues.

Available Public Member Appointments

The City of Dawson lists vacancies for public member position under our Careers section of the website.

The City of Dawson Board of Variance is established pursuant to the Yukon Municipal Act. 

The Board of Variance hears and decides upon any applications for variances before the board in accordance with the provisions of the Yukon Municipal Act.

Within 30 days of receipt of an application, the Board of Variance shall approve, refuse, or approve with conditions an application that in the board’s opinion meets the four tests as outlined in the Zoning Bylaw, and preserve the purposes and intent of the Dawson City Heritage Management Plan.

Board of Variance meetings are held as required and depending on when applications are received.

The Community Grants Committee is comprised of two members of the public appointed by council for two year terms, expiring on alternating years, and the City of Dawson Chief Financial Officer and Recreation Manager.   The Community Grants Committee receives, reviews and makes recommendations to council on community grant applications.

Intake deadlines are: January 15th, May 15th and September 15th.

The Community Grant Committee will meet within two weeks of intake deadlines and make recommendations for approval at next Council meeting.

The HAC is currently seeking 2 members. Click here for details.

The Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) is a council appointed citizen committee.  Terms for voting members are a two-year period and are staggered so that the terms of members end in alternate years. Appointments are to terms concluding on September 30th of any given year. Members may be reappointed to succeeding terms.

The HAC 
  • considers and makes recommendations to the Development Officer regarding:
    • heritage aspects of a development permit applications in the historic townsite,
    • historic resource permit applications, and
    • nominations for designation of a Municipal Historic Site based on publicly available evaluation criteria.
  • provides a list of proposed heritage-related projects once per fiscal year for consideration in the Council annual operating budget process;
  • provides feedback and input to the Development Officer to assist with the development and maintenance of a development & heritage guide to provide a consistent framework for decision making.

Regular HAC meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month in Council Chambers. Meetings are open to the public and have a standard start time of 7:00 PM. Please consult the City Calendar & Events for Heritage Advisory Committee upcoming meeting dates or schedule changes.

The Recreation Board is a council appointed citizen advisory board. The role of the board is to enhance, in cooperation with city administration, the delivery of recreation services to the citizens of Dawson by determining the needs of the citizens and developing and delivering recreational programs and facilities to meet those needs.  The Recreation Board also receives, reviews and makes recommendations to council on recreation grant applications.

Meetings of the Board:
Meetings are held the second Monday of the month with a standard start time of 5:30 p.m.